


We regularily raise funds to support the work of the Trust.

Please get in touch if you would like to donate. 

Special appeal for inclusive play equipment for the Balmedie Country Park 2021

We want to make Balmedie Country Park an inclusive play area for children of all abilities.

We have already installed an inclusive roundabout which has had great feedback from the community, being used by both disabled and non disabled families.

In 2021 we have been raising funds to buy and install an inclusive swing.

We received donations from Arnold Clark, Aberdeen and District Cerebral Palsy Association and our own Just Giving page.  On 21 July we heard from the National Lottery that they will make it up to full amount needed for the swing.

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed!


Beach wheelchair volunteers holding £1000 sign in the sand dunes
Volunteers holding cheque outside the Co-op store in Balmedie
Volunteers holding cheque outside the Co-op store in Balmedie